Trifle::Docs / Getting Started / Rails with Engine
Learn how to integrate Trifle::Docs as a Rails Engine.

Rails with Engine

If integrating Trifle::Docs with your Rails app through Sinatra is not good enough, you may take it one step further and integrate Trifle::Docs through an engine.

Integrating with Rails through Engine allows you to expand integration in two significant ways: - you can use Rails templating to build up your templates. - you can mount engine multiple times to render several pages (docs, blog, etc.)


Integrating Trifle::Docs::Engine into your Rails application happens in your config/routes.rb file.

You're gonna have to write an initializer in config/initializers/trifle.rb that configures Trifle::Docs.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  Trifle::Docs::Engine.mount(self, namespace: 'docs') do |config|
    config.path = 'static/docs'
    config.layout = 'simple'

There are two parts here. mount and draw happens independently as you can mount engine multiple times, but you can draw its routes only once. I dunno who made this, but it is what it is.

Trifle::Docs::Engine.mount(self, namespace: String)

Allows you to mount Trifle::Docs::Engine into specific namespace and create configuration specific for this engine. Instead of providing path to config.views, you have to provide config.layout with a name of a layout you want to use.


Loads Trifle::Docs::Engine routes into your main router app.

Mounting multiple engines

You may wanna use Trifle::Docs to render several parts of your app. In this case you need to mount and configure each part separately.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  Trifle::Docs::Engine.mount(self, namespace: 'blog') do |config|
    config.path = 'files/blog'
    config.layout = 'simple'

  Trifle::Docs::Engine.mount(self, namespace: 'docs') do |config|
    config.path = 'files/docs'
    config.layout = 'simple'


This way you will end up with files/blog being rendered as /blog and files/docs being rendered as /docs. Noice!


You're gonna have to write some Markdown files. Thats totally in your area. Please reffer to Harvester::Markdown for additional details. Follow folder structure documentation.


This is where things change a bit. Instead of writing ERB templates (layout.erb and page.erb), you can now write app/views/layouts/trifle/docs/default.html.erb and app/views/trifle/docs/page/page.html.erb. If you're using HAML, you may as well write layout.html.haml and page.html.haml.

The advantage is that these are now your regular templates where you can use helpers, partials, and all the goodies Rails gives you.

Rails will expect all templates to be under trifle/docs namespace. Trifle::Docs::Engine is using Trifle::Docs::PageController to render content, which means the specific templates used to render pages needs to be under trifle/docs/page folder.