Trifle::Docs / Getting Started
Learn how to start using Trifle::Docs.

Getting Started

The idea of Trifle::Docs is to map folder structure and make it routable. This way files inside of the folder becomes URLs. Kinda like good ol'days when you simply pointed Apache or Nginx to your folder with HTML files and let it do its thing. Except these are markdown files that needs to be rendered.

Trifle::Docs wont do much for you if you don't work on your content. You need to prepare your documentation or blog files and structure them by yourself.

Trifle::Docs also does very little when it comes to layout and template. It really is just a simple routing for your files. You are in charge of building your own website, so its in your best interest to build template for your documentation yourself. This way you can integrate it directly into your application. You get couple variables that are available when building your views.

There are many ways how you can use Trifle::Docs.