Trifle.Stats / Usage
Learn how to use Trifle.Stats DSL.


Trifle.Stats comes with a couple class level functions that are shorthands for operations. They do it's thing to understand what type of operation are you trying to perform. If you pass in at parameter, it will know you need timeline operations, etc. There are two main function track and values. As you guessed, track tracks and values values. Duh.

Trifle.Stats offers most rudimental operations to build up your metrics. If you need to calculate an average value, you need to make sure to track value as well as counter. Later you can devide value by counter to calculate the average.

For example if you track your values with

Trifle.Stats.track('event::logs', DateTime.utc_now(), %{count: 1, duration: 2, lines: 241})
    acknowledged: true,
    matched_count: 0,
    modified_count: 0,
    inserted_count: 0,
    deleted_count: 0,
    upserted_count: 2,
    inserted_ids: [],
    upserted_ids: [#BSON.ObjectId<64965cdfab39049bf0498a11>,
    errors: []
    acknowledged: true,
    matched_count: 1,
    modified_count: 1,
    inserted_count: 0,
    deleted_count: 0,
    upserted_count: 1,
    inserted_ids: [],
    upserted_ids: [#BSON.ObjectId<64965cdfab39049bf0498a14>],
    errors: []

Then you can retrieve their metrics with

Trifle.Stats.values('event::logs', DateTime.utc_now(), DateTime.utc_now(), :day)
  at: [#DateTime<2023-06-24 00:00:00+02:00 CEST Europe/Bratislava>],
  values: [%{"count" => 9, "duration" => 92}]

While track runs increments to build up your metrics, there is also assert that sets values and assort that categorizes values.


Ranges are the sensitivity of data when retrieving values. Available ranges are :minute, :hour, :day, :week, :month, :quarter, :year.

Honestly, thats it. Now instead of building your own analytics, go do something useful. You can buy me coffee later. K, thx, bye!